Thursday, August 21, 2014

Aspiring to be ... UBER

As yet another nail-biting, directionless millenial, I hope that in writing this, I can speak on behalf of a decidedly anxious and impatient generation.  While our sense of entitlement and our use of hash-tags must surely seem obnoxious in the context of cultural evolution, there is hope in knowing that our insatiable thirst for instant gratification has indeed inspired some of the most important new ideas and changes of our lifetime.  

Now I'd never go so far as to say that I've been on the forefront of these changes ... I can't bring myself to say "totes magotes" without the fear of losing brain-cells and I doubt that I'll ever understand the widespread fascination in status updates.  But I am proud to say that there is one bandwagon that I'm not only riding, but I'm actually helping to drive as well. And as I struggle to figure out what I'm supposed to do with my life ... my adventures as an on-demand cab driver have inspired new confidence in my ability to contribute to a movement that is changing the world, and decisively changing it for the better.   

Seeking to document the hilarity and the humanity of the journeys I take with my passengers, I've titled this blog: UBERmensch - not only to cleverly reference the company I now partner with, but also to utilize the various denotations and connotations of the metaphor itself.
The word UBER certainly has a buzz to it these days, but long before this German adjective was popularized into our vernacular, one of the most commonly known references came from a book written by Friedrich Nietzsche.  For him the UBERmensch was an ideal that individuals and society alike should strive toward ... something that was (by definition) above, greater than, or even superior to the mundane reality of the human condition.  While controversial, Nietzsche's metaphor has had a profound impact on human history, ranging from Hitler using the concept as an ideological foundation for national socialism, to the basis of the comic-book character: Superman (another translation of UBERmensch).  To take it even further, the other half of this word/phrase - mensch - is not only the German word for man or human, but in the Jewish tradition, to be a mensch also means to be righteous, respectful, compassionate or as Spike Lee would say ... to "always do the right thing".
So in a way, to truly be a mensch, you first have to aspire to be UBER. I won't lie though ... when I first looked into it, good intentions had nothing to do with my signing up for the job.  For me, it was a fun, easy way to make money as I transition from my old career into whatever the hell I end up doing next.  It never occurred to me that by enlisting in the ranks of this new and exciting industry that I'd be doing anything more than helping people avoid the nightmare of urban parking.  But then I started to meet my passengers and I began to discover that beyond giving these people rides around town, I was also filling a role that is quickly introducing a new sort of human interactive dynamic.

We so rarely get to dive into a stranger's life, even for the briefest of moments, and more and more I feel like our society is becoming less inclined to do so.  However through the wonder of technology, the security of a sound background check, and within the intimacy of a clean, and privately-owned vehicle, we're finding new ways to break through that barrier and really start to get to know one another again.  I can only speak for myself, but I can't remember the last time I felt so connected to humanity, and whatever good I'm doing for my passengers, they certainly are returning the favor a hundred times over.

In a way, I guess that's why I've started to write about the experience.  These annals will be a tribute to the people I've met and continue to meet, and I hope that my writing will serve as a resounding "thank you" for sharing just a piece of their lives with me.  Hopefully the resulting stories will make you laugh and maybe, just maybe make you think about how something like this is having such an UBER impact all over the world.  We're all really lucky to be a part of such a very exciting moment in human history, for as we continue to change how we move around, we're also changing the ways in which we identify with one another.  And in a world where true interaction is more likely to occur accross the spindlings of the internet than they are in person, it really is amazing to scream ... or maybe just to blog out loud ... that yes my friends, the times, they are a-changin'.


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